Hello Friend and Welcome !

My name is Caddabra Brown. Yes, as in Abracadabra. That’s my name. No joke. I could show you my birth certificate if you’d like. Lol
But what’s even funnier is that I found out only about 5 years ago what it really means. I’m a 30-something year old. LOL
Believe me when I tell you that my name never fails to be a great conversation starter. So I’m pretty sure that by now you’re curious about how I came to have it, what it means, what life was like growing up with it and all that jazz.
Since our friendship is new, I know we’ll get around to it at some point. So I’m in no rush. I want our friendship to be a slow stew.
Are you a person of faith who is sick of the same old same old? Are you tired of fruitless faith? Are you feeling stalled and stagnant in your spiritual walk?
Me too.
You see, I am a wife and a full-time graduate student. Both demanding positions in life.
For some time now I have been feeling that there must be more to my Bible. So I have embarked on a journey of studying the Bible at a different level.
In this little corner of the internet, I share what I am learning through diving deeper into the Word and listening more keenly to the voice of God.
The things I am learning are blowing my mind and making me freshly excited about the word of God!
So far, my two favorite studies have been on:
The parable of the prodigal son
The Woman with the issue of blood
There is so much gold in the Bible I tell you!
I was a freshman in college when I discovered Hebrews 11:6 “For without faith it is impossible to please God and he is a rewarder of those who diligently seek him.”
This verse completely changed my life. Although I had accepted Jesus about three years prior, I just didn’t get what faith was about.
Really trusting God is hard ya’ll.
Fast forward a decade and a half later and I can say learning how to have faith in God has been the single most powerful factor in achieving my personal goals and dreams.
And I am still learning every single day.
But since discovering this verse Hebrews 11:6, some seriously amazing things have happened in my life and I want to share them with you. Some of my personal stories of faith are coming on stream soon so stay tuned!
The Faith Space is about nurturing your personal faith in God. I want to help you to trust God with the massive and minute things, starting with knowing what He says in His word.
You know how those guys jump out of an airplane and depend on flimsy manmade parachute to keep them from crashing to the ground?
I want you to trust God just like that. To take the leap of faith that you have been wishing you had the courage to do.
To abandon all fear and jump.
Take the plunge.
And refuse to let go like Jacob did.
Want to ask me something? I’d love to hear from you. Please reach out to me at thefaithspaceblog at Google mail dot com.