These lessons from the woman with the issue of blood in the Bible will empower, encourage and inspire you. The story of the bleeding woman is one of the most moving in the Scriptures. There is hardly a person who cannot relate to struggling with something for a long time. There is hardly a person who does not know what it is to find themselves in a desperate situation.
And that is what this story is about. Fighting for your life. Fighting to take hold of the answer to prayers. The whole Bible is about helping us to get to know God. When Jesus came to earth, his greatest desire was for us to learn to trust Him. To believe.
These lessons from the bleeding women contains many encouraging lessons that can strengthen your faith. In this post we will explore five nuggets.
Woman with the issue of blood Scriptures
The story of the bleeding woman can be found in the three of the four gospels. Here are the Scripture portions for each account.
- Matthew 9:20–22
- Mark 5:25–34
- Luke 8:43–48
Each of these Bible authors gives us the same story but with different details and flavors. If you read them all together you will get a rich, colorful picture of this event.
What is the story of the woman with the issue of blood
This story unfolds in Capernaum near the sea of Galilee. Jesus was teaching when he was approached by a man identified as a worker in the local synagogue. He came to Jesus in distress, begging for a visit to his home where his 12 year old daughter was sick unto death. Jesus immediately moved in the direction of this man’s house.
The crowd he was teaching went with him. As he moved along, the crowd got even thicker to the extent that he was almost being suffocated. But while he was on that mission, a woman in the crowd was seeking to be delivered from a 12 year illness. Some say the woman was named Veronica but this information is one of those unverifiable facts.
The meaning of “issue of blood” in this case referred to the woman’s disease which might have been a gynecological problem that specifically caused her to bleed from her womb. Whatever it was, it had lasted for 12 long years.
Her journey of healing took her to every doctor she knew and every cure, whether legitimate or not. (More on this later). Scripture says she was now broke because she had spent all her money.
Jesus was her last hope so she creeped behind Jesus in the crowd, believing that if she touched his clothes, she would receive healing. And she did.
As soon as she received healing, Jesus stopped dead in his tracks. “Who touched me?” he asked. The woman was both afraid and ashamed to come forward but as Jesus gave her his attention, she explained everything that had happened to her. Jesus responded positively, telling her that her faith had healed her.
3 Characteristics of the woman with the issue of blood
Before we get into the lessons we can learn from this woman, let’s look at a few of her qualities. What makes her stand out to us as such a great example to follow?
The woman with the issue of blood was
- A radical risk-taker – she went against the rules of her time to reach for her healing and blessing.
- Imperfect but unwavering in her faith – she had some beliefs that were not quite true but she trusted in Jesus’ power.
- Persevering – the crowd she had to go through was no ordinary crowd but she pushed through anyway although she could have been crushed to death.
- Fearful but faith-filled – After she touched Jesus and he turned around, Scripture says “she came trembling”. She was not the most courageous but she did it scared anyway.
Now, let’s explore these some more.
Powerful lessons from the woman with the issue of blood
What can we learn from this short story. In this post, I will delve into 5 powerful take aways that I hope will encourage your faith in God.
1. Faith requires risk
The woman with the issue of blood took a huge risk. To understand this you have to know what the Bible says about a woman bleeding.
Come with me to the Old Testament.
When a woman has a discharge of blood for many days at a time other than her monthly period or has a discharge that continues beyond her period, she will be unclean as long as she has the discharge, just as in the days of her period. Any bed she lies on while her discharge continues will be unclean, as is her bed during her monthly period, and anything she sits on will be unclean, as during her period. Anyone who touches them will be unclean; they must wash their clothes and bathe with water, and they will be unclean till evening. (Leviticus 15: 25 – 27)
In Jewish culture, her bleeding disorder rendered her unclean. Everything and anyone she touched was unclean. According to Levitical law, she was not permitted to handle money or food, or attend the services of the synagogue. She really should not be physically close to anyone and certainly not in a crowd.
What she did, exposing others to her uncleanness was a crime, punishable by law. And this is why she could not ask Jesus for healing openly. Instead, she risked her life to access her healing secretly.
This is one of the more outstanding characteristics of the woman with the issue of blood. Her willingness to go out on a limb. Her illness was common among women and very difficult to cure.
But she persisted to the extent that she was ready to risk everything. Truth is, the only thing she had left to lose was her life and there wasn’t much to her living anyway because of her illness.
If you find yourself in a desperate situation like this woman, maybe safety isn’t where your breakthrough lies. Put some skin in the game! Take a risk. Step out in faith.
2. True faith arrests God’s attention
Have you wondered, like the disciples, how in the world Jesus knew that the woman with the issue of blood touched him?
When Jesus asked “Who touched me?”, the disciples thought that this was a ridiculous question. Afterall, he was in a crowd. Everybody was touching him. In fact, the word that describes the crowd really means that Jesus was being suffocated.
As he walked, he could hardly breathe because they were pressing so close to him. How then did he discern this particular touch?
Let’s do a brief word study.
The word touch comes from the root word hapto which means to fasten to or to cling to. When Jesus asked “Who touched me?” he was not referring to the act of someone putting their hand on him. In fact, the story did not even say she touched Jesus. Actually, she only touched his clothes. Yet Jesus asked “Who touched me?”
What Jesus really asked was “Who clung to me with their whole being in unwavering faith?” You see, this woman was in a desperate situation. And this was her absolute last option and opportunity to escape her situation. So of course she clung to God in faith.
Many people in the crowd put their hands on Jesus but this bleeding woman was the only one who truly touched Jesus. Her faith was so powerful that it reached God more deeply than anyone else in that crowd.
Jesus did say he knew that someone touched him because power had gone out from him. The faith in her connected with the Heavenly Power that cannot but honor authentic faith.

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3. God’s attention to your faith is not divided
The woman with the issue of blood teaches us that when God gives us His attention, he is never multitasking.
A faith as deep and unwavering as this woman’s not only earns God’s attention but it also secures His undivided attention. After the woman identified herself, Jesus zoomed in on her.
Jesus listened intently as she told her story. He listened as she described the shameful, disgraceful burden she had held for 12 years, the scorn she had suffered, the loneliness she had been bearing and the desperation she felt.
Despite the crowd, it seemed that no one else existed in those moments. There is no detail about how long it took for her to tell all that she had experienced. But it did not matter.
Jesus did not hurry her along although a little girl was on the brink of death. It’s not that he cared less about this little girl. Jesus did not need to hurry. He has life and death in his hands.
At this moment, his daughter needed him. He was fully present for her.
4. God works with imperfect faith
The woman with the issue of blood had faith but it was mingled with superstition. When she reasoned “If I touch the hem of his garment…” this referred to the popular superstitious belief that a person’s powers could be transmitted through their clothes.
In Jesus’ case, when she talked about the hem of his garment, she was talking specifically about a particular Jewish practice. Every devout Jew wore four blue tassels on the fringes of the four corners of their outer garment.
This signified that they were a chosen people and the tassels served to remind them daily of whom they belonged to. It was one of these tassels that she wanted to touch.
But notice Jesus’ response to her: “Daughter, your faith has healed you…” In stating this explicitly, he was addressing her superstition. He wanted her to know that there is no power in clothes.
The real power was in her faith in God. It was through her faith that she received healing.
Although Jesus knew that her faith was mixed with superstition, he met her where she was. Her faith was accepted, even in its imperfection. It is interesting that she received her healing even without Jesus consciously interacting with her. It just demonstrates God’s nature. Even imperfect faith moves Him.
Do you want to touch the hem of Jesus’ garment? Know that it’s not about what you are not or what you aren’t doing right in your life. It’s about where your heart is in your interaction with God. Jesus valued the authenticity in her faith while redirecting her away from her superstition. God will do the same for you.
You don’t have to be perfect in your faith to access the blessings of heaven. But you do need to have that deep, abiding faith that God will do what He says he will do.

GET MORE INSPIRATION: The Story of Rahab in the Bible
5. When Jesus heals, it is complete.
Faith is one of those spiritual disciplines that permeates all aspects of life. This bleeding woman was experiencing untold anguish across all areas of her existence.
Because of the Jewish rules about bleeding and the social stigma associated with being diseased, she was not able to enjoy healthy human relationships, whether romantic or otherwise.
She was isolated from her religious community. There was a belief that illness was God’s way of punishing people so there is a great chance that she was shunned by her family and disowned by her father. As a woman in that society, this was an extremely vulnerable place to be. She had no one to cover her or speak up for her.
This is perhaps one reason why Jesus calls her daughter: to indicate to her that she had been restored. For so long she was an outcast. Ostracized. Defined by her disease. Her self-worth would have been trampled on. The isolation would have caused her to get used to being invisible in society.
But Jesus assures her that she belonged to Him. She might have had no one to cover her but now she did. She didn’t have anyone to defend her but now she did. She was unwanted but Jesus claimed her openly.
Her physical healing, coupled with her new found identity in Christ, would now allow her to resume social interactions, participate in worship services, get a job, get married and even have children.
And there is more.
Jesus says to her “Daughter, your faith has healed you. Go in peace.” This final command really translates “go into peace.” This really meant that she not only received physical healing but it also meant that she received salvation.
That day, her soul was saved. The peace that comes with the assurance of salvation was to be hers from now on. She was given the rest that Jesus promises to those who trust Him with their whole hearts.
When God heals, your entire life is affected because faith spans all aspects of our being.
Prayer points on the woman with the issue of blood
Trusting God is simple yet it is so difficult a lot of the times. But hey, if life isn’t easy, then why would our faith journey be? That’s why we have to stay on our knees. As you consider the story of the bleeding women, pray for:
- Courage to take godly steps of faith
- Strength to push through difficult situations to access a miracle
- Knowledge of things that might be standing between you and your faith in God like erroneous, superstitious beliefs
- Strength to give God your complete attention just as He gives his complete attention
- Daily peace and assurance of your personal salvation in Jesus.
Be encouraged by woman with the issue of blood
This is such a moving story. In the beginning when we are introduced to her, all we feel for her is pity. But by the time the story is over, we are rejoicing with her. There are so many lessons we can learn from the experience of the bleeding woman.
God rewards those who stretch toward heaven in complete faith. He responds to authentic faith, even if imperfect. His attention is never divided for those who trust Him. And when God heals, it is complete, touching every area of life, even to eternity.
- Other women of faith you might like:
- Esther
- Mary the Mother of Jesus
- The Widow of Zarephath
- The Canaanite Woman
- Abigail
- Zipporah
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I honestly don’t know how but I was directed to to this page trying to find some cure for excessive bleeding due to anemia and fibroids and I read the story of other women bleeding for a long time also for some reason or another. I have been bleeding for or 4 years on a daily basis at any given time it has Taken everything out of me I have lost myself because you feel so unclean all the time. I cry at random because it’s so many things I want to do but I always just feel so on guard because I never know when I was start bleeding and how light or heavy it will be. I just asked God for some type of relief for me and all of the other women that are bleeding on a daily basis please touch our bodies and make us whole again.
Hi Leonde. God led you here just to let you know that you are not alone and to remind you that He sees you in your struggle. I touch and agree with your prayers for all our sisters who are struggling with issues of this nature. I prayer Jesus passes by at the perfect time to answer each of our hearts’ longings. God bless you.
I found this page while in tears asking God to heal me from this bleeding. I’ve been waiting for surgery since 2020 and the process is so slow. I am also waiting to get iron infusions as my anemia has worsened. I just need God’s healing and peace right now. I hope my faith can see me through this.
Nkem, it is can be so hard to understand God’s timing. Know that you have persevered this long because God has been sustaining you just like He did for the woman in this story. I am praying for your strength:
Our Father in heaven, I lift up your daughter Nkem to you. I know you are near to her. Please allow her to feel your presence. I know you have heard her prayers. Increase her faith to know it. I know you see beyond her tears. Give her Your peace. Oh Lord, please show up for her in a way that she will know and understand that it’s You. Increase her faith even now. Give her a testimony. I pray in Jesus’ name. Amen.
I just been in two surgery to encourage you god have you he is a god that health thee.I know what the physician are telling you but you have to remember the Greater physicians is God I was told i was going to loose my kidney i said no I’m not I told god i would like to keep my kidney lol than when they took the mass they said it was cancer I had to wait 5 months to see the cancer Spread. But what I’m saying my mind stay focus on god we are human but my faith May me whole it was the moment i was fighting to stand on god promises.god have you you’re going to be ok walk in your healing i went through the xray a praises report no cancer i hope this encourage you.remember you is his daughter he will come and see about you stay encourage trust and believe and never doubt
I read this story and think may be the woman had cancer of the uterus, 12 years of being sick, drained of energy, money and social capital. At first she trusted Drs until she realized she can come to Jesus. Did Jesus question her why she didnt trust Him at first – Nope He welcomed her and called her daughter. In this I believe Jesus heals every infirmity including cancer that we think it cant heal.
I also see how God sustains us in our issues until the appointed time, 12 years of bleeding she didnt die, how many years are you in financial difficulty – you still survive, how many years is your child in drugs? not yet dead waiting for appointed time etc Lets trust God’s timing. Amen
Indeed Salome, God is our sustainer until the appointed time. That’s why we have to keep hope alive until God’s timing is made perfect. Thanks for sharing in the conversation. God bless you.
One of the most powerful and profound lesson I discovered from studying this text was, even though she thought she was alone she really wasn’t because God was with her throughout this whole process. See if a person is stabbed or shot they would bleed to death if there’s no present or immediate care to administer to the wounds of their injured. But this woman bleed for 12 years non stop and live to tell the story. God used such a profound situation to inform us that before we seek Him for anything, know and understand that He is able to do the exceedingly, abundantly above all we can ask or think. She already knew she would be healed before she moved and became she saw her healing, because she fought against the odds to get to her healing and became she didn’t allow the distraction of what was going on around her hinder her process she was free from her issue. In our daily lives we have to use the example of this woman to pursue our dreams, goals and our destiny in order to achieve our purpose. Don’t give up on God because He want give up on you.
Dr. Sherri! Powerful 😀 God is always there as we experience life’s crises. He holds us and our situation together, whether we are aware or not. Yes indeed. We just cannot give up on God. Thanks for sharing my sister. Blessings to you.
God has His appropriate time with our situations, whether they be physical or spiritual and He is awaiting our availability in coming to Him.
Absolutely TJ. God waits for us to come to him with our situations. There is none that He cannot treat. Thanks for sharing
There is healing power through clothes: So, the woman with the issue of Blood, had faith tha if she could only touch Jesus” hem, she would be healed. And she was, because His healing power was also in His clothes. Just like healing power below in Paul’s Handkerchiefs and aprons:
ACTS 19:11-12 Paul Ministers in Ephesus
…11 God did extraordinary miracles through the hands of Paul, 12 so that even handkerchiefs and aprons that had touched him were taken to the sick, and the diseases and evil spirits left them.
Hello Bob. Thank you so much for this highlight. I suppose the same thing could be said of Elijah’s robe and Moses’ staff. I would add these to your examples. Here’s what I’d prefer to say: power can be transmitted through clothing.
I believe God can use different things to accomplish His goal. Clothing is definitely one of them. Ultimately though, it is our faith in God as well as His willingness to respond to our faith that connects God’s power to our desperate desires and prayers.
Thanks again for joining the discussion.
Many blessings.
She pressed through she didn’t worry about sho is around her . She thought about it and made a move . This uplifted my faith. I used to live in fear . All odds were against her but she persevered. Never gave up until she got her healing
I praised God for you Nuru. May He who planted the seed of faith in your heart preserve it too. I am blessed because you found a blessing here. Thanks for sharing.
Thank you for sharing this. Im 55 and still bleeding although not to the extreme of this beautiful woman mentioned in the Bible. Society teaches us about peri menopause or menopause and we ride along with it. But deep inside I know my faith tells me that Jesus has taken the curse upon Himself when He was crucified so why not this curse? By His stripes we are healed! For years I have tried to believe and stand on my faith that I AM healed then my bleeding comes the next month and it’s really hard to keep the faith level strong. I guess it’s because when it comes, I often revert back to, oh well, it’s peri menopause menopause or what society dictates women our age should go through. I’m still believing that I am healed. That the same power that resurrected our Lord Jesus from the dead is the same power that lives in me. Lord forgive my unbelief but increase my faith. Increase my faith to keep hoping and believe that whatever YOU have said in Your Word, it shall come to pass because Your Word is Truth! It is ALIVE and FULL OF POWER! It shall go forth and NOT return void unto You and it shall accomplish that which You please.
Thank you again for sharing this❤️
Thank you so much for sharing your testimony, Tilly. God is working in your life and faith my dear sister. Know that God’s will and timing is perfect. I hold up your faith in prayer and ask God to sustain the precious gift of faith that He has planted in you. Many blessings.
What a blessing and Gods timing in me finding this article. I’ve been dealing with this issue for about the same amount. I’ve stood in faith and now I’m doing my first surgery on it and I did nothing but cry today to Jesus with Jesus and siblings in Christ. I want to still have kids and I’m just nervous of the issues and the things they will
Have to remove I’m standing in faith and this article gave me more insight to continual unshakable faith with this story thank you for the website and Jesus our lord thank you for everything !
Hello Litea. What a blessing and testimony! I am so happy God allowed you to find this post to meet you at your perfect time of need. God sees the desires of your heart concerning kids. He’s got your back. God is able my sister! As you go into surgery, know that I am praying for you.
So greatful we can boldly come to the throne of grace, and God is ever faithful to accept us again as His children. God bless you
Hi Evelyn. What a blessing to know that God’s arms are always open and his heart always faithful. Thank you for stopping by and sharing. Blessings 😀
Yes, this is one of my favorite healings. When I discuss with friends I invite them into Jesus’ very busy day. Yet, he knew that woman needed healing, and more than just physical healing.
When she threw herself at his feet in fear – he called her daughter, what a tender , intimate and powerful word. I believe Jesus meant for the community to hear this. So that they would know – she was very dear to him, she was whole & they should now welcome her back into community.
After all, who’s testimony as to her status would Carry more weight than Jesus’.
‘Oh, to be called daughter by Jesus.”
I agree with you Mark. Jesus wanted everyone to hear him address her as daughter. What a beautiful scene it must have been. Thanks for sharing in the blessings of God’s Word.
This is so deep. Learnt alot. It is an eye opener for faith. Amen.
Thanks for the feedback Kibibi. There is so much power in God’s word when we go deeper. Stay inspired and encouraged.
The understanding GOD has given me after reading this article about our beautiful sis who had the 12 yr. issue of blood has blessed me an inspired me in ways I hadn’t imagined. My faith is even deeper an stronger than ever. I appreciate you dear sister for this article you’ve shared. So inspiring an uplifting. I thank GOD for HIS existence an your existence. I love you forever. Love, Tiara. Your sister in CHRIST.
Much love to you too my dear sister Tiara 😀 . It is such a blessing to me that your faith has been energized. I pray God will continue to sustain you. Blessings.
Thanks for sharing this eye opener sermon. I am blessed by the interpretation of this story of the Women with the issue of blood. Thanks so much.
You’re welcome Yah M 😀 . I am glad you were blessed. That’s encouraging to me. Stay encouraged.
How humbling that God meets us in our frailty and imperfections. Our faith is not measured by our power but the continuing turning to God and desire to know him and accept how much he loves and wants to connect with us. He is my redeemer and One watching over me. God recovers those who have been abandoned, betrayed and separated. We are never alone.
Hi Carlene. Thanks so much for sharing these beautiful takeaways. Stay encouraged in the Lord. Blessings.
HalleluYah 🙌🏿
Such a deeper understanding of the woman with the issue of blood. Very uplifting and beneficial.
God bless.
Thanks Atmar. Indeed, it’s a very empowering and inspiring story when the layers are pulled back. Blessings to you as well.
What a beatiful sermon, am blessed beyond words, have learnt a lot, the sermon is an eye opener. 🙏🙏🙏🙏
I celebrate with you Grace :D. Thank you for sharing your blessing. May God continue to bless you richly.
Thank God for the work of love and care human kins her issues is 12 was totally soved, but today he give himself for our internal salvation
Indeed, the story also speaks to how God heals us for eternal salvation. Thanks for sharing Enogela. Blessings to you.
I’m speechless. I’ve always liked the story of the woman with the issue of blood but today, I’m in love with it. Praise God for using you as a vessel to inspire hope and encouragement in others through this word. I pray that I have faith as incredible as hers!
Praise God Gloria! What an encouragement for me. Thanks for sharing how this has blessed you. My prayers go with you, that your faith will grow and blossom like never before.
YES YES!!Agreed you couldn’t have had put that in any better words I feel every word 🥰💜Amen
Stay encouraged, inspired, and empowered, Gloria. Thanks for stopping by. 🙂
God bless ya’ll🥰💜😇
GOD bless you too Angel! Love you!
Wow, what a grea lesson lerned from the message as far as FAITH is concerned
Hi Glory. Glad you were inspired by this faith lesson from the woman with the issue of blood. Thanks for stopping by. Blessings
This message is so touching no matter what the situation maybe if we have enough faith to touch the hem of his garment we will be made while Hallelujah🙌🏾🙌🏾
Hallelujah indeed Eureka. 🙂 I am happy this message was encouraging. Prayers for you and your faith.
Praise the lord🙌 powerful message the woman with the blood issue
Thanks for stopping by Rea. I am happy you were blessed by the message.
Thank you for this word. I’ve never heard or been that that God accepts and works with imperfect faith. This message says to me that I am enough just as I am, and that God will work with me as I grow in faith. That I am justified in and thru Him. Thank you for such a loving message. Be blessed!
Hi Sheri. It is such a blessing to know that God meets us where we are. 🙂 So glad you found this message freeing. You are indeed justified through Christ. Full and free!
Whooow, this is so powerful, l am moved by this script, 🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽
I celebrate with you Sheri. Stay encouraged. 🙂