Prayer acronyms are useful for many reasons. They provide prompts if you struggle with what to say when it’s time to pray.
These acronyms also give you a structure to follow if your prayers are jumbled, confusing and you often get distracted and lose your train of thought.
Sometimes we can find ourselves praying the very same prayers over and over. Using different prayer acronyms can add variety to your prayers.
They help to ensure you cover more topics and not just focus on yourself and what you need.
Finally, if you have always repeated structured prayers like The Lord’s Prayer, using acronyms gives you a good way of creating your own prayers from your heart to talk to God for yourself.
Here are a few prayer acronyms to try.
Acronyms for structured prayer
These provide you with a general framework on what to include in your prayer based on the important elements of prayer.
PRAY stands for Pray, Repent, Ask, Yield.
ACTS stands for Adoration, Confession, Thanksgiving, Supplication.
ASK stands for Ask, Seek, Knock
PATH stands for Praise, Admit, Thanksgiving, Help.
FACTS stands for Faith, Adoration, Confession, Thanksgiving, Supplication.
PAST stands for Praise, Acknowledge, Supplication, Thanksgiving
STOP stands for Surrender, Temptation, Obedience, Purity
3P’s represents Praise, Petition, Provision
ALTAR stands for Adoration, Listen, Thanksgiving, Ask, Remember
PRAISE stands for Praise, Repent, Ask, Intercede, Speak the Word, Enjoy His Presence
WORSHIP stands for Welcome, Openness, Reflection, Surrender, Humility, Intercession, Praise
PRAYER stands for Praise, Repent, Ask, Yield, Express, Renewal
ARROW stands for Ask, Reflect, Repent, Openly, Worship, Silence
PARTS acronyms for prayer
PARTS stands for Praise, Ask, Repent, Thank, Share
PART stands for Praise, Admit, Request and Thank
HEART acronyms for prayer
HEART stands for Honor God, Examine your life, Ask for help, Request for others, Thank God
HEART stands for Honesty, Exaltation, Asking, Repentance, Thanksgiving
Prayer acronyms to pray for others and yourself
BLESS stands for Body, Love or Labor, Emotions, Social, Spiritual
HEART stands for Hurting, Exhausted, Angry, Resentful, and Tense.
MYSELF stands for Mind what matters, Yield to God’s will, Serve others, Encourage others, Love others, Forgive others. This was designed to help you pray for yourself with a structure.
PASTOR stands for Protection, Anointing, Strength, Teachable, Opportunities, Revival
JOY stands for Jesus, Others, Yourself
PEACE stands for Passion for Jesus, Enlightenment with biblical wisdom and Revelation
PEACE stands for Praise, Examination, Ask for peace, Communion, Express gratitude
WISDOM stands for When, If, Sensitive, Do, Order, Method
TRIP for travelers stands for Time, Rest, Insight, Protection
TRUST acronyms
TRUST stands for Thanksgiving, Remember God’s faithful, Unburden your heart, Surrender to God’s answers, Trust in God.
TRUST stands for Thanksgiving, Repent, Uplift request, Sit still, Take hold of God
Prayer acronym for Bible study prayers
IOUS stands for Incline my heart, Open my eyes, Unite my heart, Satisfy me. It was developed by John Piper to guide prayer before Bible study.
TRIP stands for Thanks, Regret, Intercession, Purpose
Prayer acronym for kids and youth
PARTY prayer model for students stands for Praise, Admit, Request, Thank, Yield
CHAT for Kids stands for Confession, Honor, Ask, Thank
TACOS(S) stands for Thanksgiving, Adoration, Confession, Others, Self (Silence)
Final thoughts on prayer acronyms
God wants nothing more than to hear from you. He also has a great deal to say to you. Use these acronyms to get into conversation with God. Start a prayer journal [link]. Writing out your prayers using these frameworks is a great place to start. Which acronym will you start with?
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