Prayer tracker printables are perfect for your prayer binder. When you have so many things to pray about that the list just can’t hold in your brain, writing them down is next best thing to do. And how about actually remembering to present the list to God? That’s where these printables come in
How do you keep track of prayers?
There are more than enough things to pray about in this life. Keeping track of prayers is big business. You might need to keep track of prayer requests for yourself or others. For that, you can use a prayer list template.
You may also need to actually track your prayer habits. What things are you praying for? How often are you praying? When are you praying?
That’s where prayer tracker printables come in. This post has six prayer tracker logs that will help you do all this and more.
You can start with a prayer request tracker.
DOWNLOAD Prayer request tracker
Prayer tracker printable planner
The first step towards consistency is planning. Yes, sitting down and being intentional about what you will pray for and when goes a long way in growing your prayer life. If you have never actually planned your prayer life, start by putting personal goals and challenges on this printable.
Prioritize and place them on the list. Then follow the plan using one of the other trackers in this post.
DOWNLOAD Prayer tracker printable planner
Prayer tracker printable for daily prayers
Tiny daily decisions make a big impact. This is more true in your prayer life than anywhere else. It is not necessarily how much time you spend in prayer as how consistent you are.
Short daily prayers for a few minutes at a time is better than spending 2 hours for one day in the week. Using a visual record can help to motivate and keep you on track.
DOWNLOAD Daily prayer tracker printable
Prayer tracker printable for 30 days of prayer challenge
Have you ever done a prayer challenge? It can really stretch you. But it is so worth it. Use this pretty printable to challenge yourself towards 30 days of prayer. You could use a whole month to pray for your marriage, children, spouse, church, school, finances, faith. Whatever you are feeling a burden for, carve out 30 days to present it to God and use this printable to track it.
DOWNLOAD 30 day prayer tracker printable
One year prayer tracker printable
I can tell you from personal experience that going back and reviewing your prayer history can be revealing. Imagine doing that for a whole year.
This prayer tracker will allow you to keep a record of your prayer life over 12 months. If you want to improve spiritually, this is one way to do it. By collecting information on your habits over time, you will know what works and does not work for you. Then you can adjust your plans.
DOWNLOAD one year prayer tracker printable
Prayer tracker apps
If paper is not your favorite for method for keeping track, prayer apps might be an option for you. One of the most popular is Echo. It not only helps you track your prayers but you can set prayer reminders throughout the day and you can also share prayer requests with others.
The Abide app has Bible-based meditations that will help lead you naturally into prayer. Prayer Guide is another good one. It has short prayers you can use if you can’t find your own words along with Bible verses to lead you into praying Scripture.
Terms of use: The printables on The Faith Space blog are for personal use only. The files may not be altered or redistributed for monetary gain without written consent from the author. This includes but is not limited to selling the printed product, selling the file, or uploading the file to any other website other than to have it printed for personal use. You may not use anything on our site for any commercial purposes.
Thank you for sharing the prayer templates, I will be using them for my weekly prayer group.
Hello Trish. Thank you letting me know how you are using these printables. It’s such a blessing to me! Praying for the spiritual growth of your weekly prayer group. Blessings to you.