These war room prayer journal templates are designed for you to get started with a powerful prayer routine. The idea of a war room came from the movie with the same name. You should watch it if you haven’t yet. In movie years, it’s old now but the message is timeless. The Christian cannot survive without passionate, purposeful, persistent prayer.
I believe in prayer. My faith walk would die without it. Like most people, I don’t have a whole room to dedicate to prayer like Priscilla did in the movie. But I do have a dedicated corner in my living room sofa and a small basket with my quiet time materials. In that basket is my prayer journal. And in that prayer journal is my war room.
War room worksheet
If you have never had a structured prayer life, then you will need to really think through and plan out your war room.
This worksheet has 10 prompts for you to respond to. It’s a place to start drawing up your battle strategy against the enemy.
War room prayer journal templates
Prayer doesn’t come easily to everyone. Sometimes people want to pray but don’t know how or where to start. Here are two prayer journal templates that will guide you through the basic steps in prayer
DOWNLOAD the PRAY Journal Template
DOWNLOAD the ACTS Prayer Journal template
If you already know how to pray and you prefer to use your own structure, these prayer journal templates will allow you to do just that.
DOWNLOAD the Lined Prayer Journal Templated
DOWNLOAD Lined prayer journal template paper
War room Scripture prayer journal template
Scripture prayers are some of the most powerful to pray. When you get a full understanding of Bible verses and you use them to create your prayers, God is bound by His word.
This template allows you to write out Scripture and have it right there in front of you as you write out your requests and petition to God.
DOWNLOAD the Scripture Prayer journal template
War room prayer journal templates to pray Scripture
If I have learned anything about praying Scripture it’s that it’s next to impossible to pray Scripture if I don’t actually know Scripture.
That’s where Bible study comes in. The more you study the Bible, the more fuel you get for your prayer life.
This SOAP Bible study sheet will help you dig into Scripture so you can be educated and empowered in your prayer life.

DOWNLOAD the SOAP prayer Bible study journal template
Scripture card templates for war room journal
An important aspect of war room prayer is using Scripture. You can use these cards to write a Scripture along with a two sentence prayer to go with each. Or you can print them and give them to others to write their prayer requests for you to pray over. Or, you can even write prayers for others and give it to them as a little gift.

DOWNLOAD Prayer Scripture cards printable templates
How to make a war room prayer journal
How do you make a simple prayer journal? Start with these printables. After you have made a plan you should know which printables you will need. If you complete the worksheet in the beginning of the post, then you should have a basic idea of some items you will need.
War room journal ideas: How do you structure a prayer journal?
There are two important things to keep in mind as you put your prayer journal together.
Firstly, it should make your prayer life easier. Secondly, it should serve your prayer life well.
You can structure your prayer journal based on the days of week and what you prayer for each day. So, if you pray for your children every Monday, you can put all these printables first in your binder. And then organize the rest by matching days of the week with prayer focus.
If your prayer focus takes lead over days of the week, then organize by the focus of your prayers. Of course, you can use tabs and dividers to keep things separate and easy to find.
You can also organize based on who you are praying for so you would have all your prayers for your family, work, marriage, children all with their own sections. It’s easier to keep track of how God answers prayers in each of the categories.
The beauty about creating your war room journal from printables is that you can add pages. When a prayer gets answered you can write that testimony and put it in right next to the prayer you prayed. Plus, in general, you can move the pages around to suit you.
You can even organize based on topics like Scripture prayers or answered prayers.
You may need to try a few different ways before you find a structure that suits you. Go for it. No matter what routine or structure you end up with, God will meet you there and take you to places in your faith you didn’t know existed.

Blessings on this beautiful day! As I read through some of your pages, I’ve been so inspired and want to thank you for all that you do. I used your Spirit filled material on the “Women with the Issue of Blood”. Her story is so similar to my story and I had the opportunity to share it with my local church on Friday. They were motivated too and loved the way her story was “broken down” into great teaching tools for us to use every day. Thank you again for that. Please continue to do what the Lord has bless you with, you have been given a beautiful gift. I pray you continue to use it for His glory. Be blessed sis, Mary Lou
Hello my sister Mary Lou. Oh how you have encouraged my heart today. Thank you so much for sharing. I love learning about how lives are being reached through this ministry for God’s glory. And thanks for the prayers too. For His glory, always. 😀
Thank you, my dear angel for such a beautiful, set a prayer room tools. This will make such a difference with my family for them to have something to put all of their thoughts and words to God on. Met you and your family always be blessed with good health and with a beautiful life. Gina Holler.
You’re very welcome Gina. I receive your words of blessings. I pray you and your family will be blessed as you approach your prayer life with intentionality. God’s riches blessing upon you and yours.