Using spiritual journaling prompts is a powerful spiritual practice. Through journaling, you can connect with God and get clarity on your purpose.
You can use journaling to dig into the word and record the truths you are learning.
It is also a way to record your faith experiences and prayers, chronicling your experiences with God.
These spiritual journal prompts are designed with exactly those goals in mind.
Spiritual journaling prompts ideas
If you are new to journaling, sometimes it can be hard to know where to start in terms of what exactly to write. Knowing how to journal for spiritual growth is important. There is no use doing it if it will not be effective. And, if you are doing it, sometimes boredom can take over if you do it the exact same way all the time. If that’s you, add a little variety to mix it up.
Here are a few places to begin with Christian writing prompts if you are new. And if you have been at it, a few ways to change it up..
Use a Bible verse. This is a popular form of journaling for devotional time. Read a portion of Scripture or write out a Bible verse. Then, read it over and over. You could annotate it as well. After that, reflect on what the passage means and write that down along with how it applies to your life.
Write a prayer. You don’t always have to close your eyes or get down on your knees or whatever traditional position you assume for prayer. This is a good way of getting really specific with your prayers too. You can have themes around the prayers you write. And, you can combine this with Bible verses by praying Scripture as you write your prayers.
Use a quote. It could be from a devotional you are using or another spiritual book you are reading, Write out a quote and reflect on why it resonated with you. Such quotes could include positive affirmation influenced by Bible verses.
Questions. Questioning is an age-old techniques used my teachers to lead students to think along a certain path. God asks lots of questions in the Bible too. Asking yourself a question will force you to think of answer, potentially a solution to a nagging problem in your life.
A single word. If you have chosen a word of the year, you can plan out a series of journal prompts based on various definitions of this single word. It can be helpful for actionizing your guiding word. Add some relevant Bible principles to your journaling and this exercise become powerful.
Object lesson. As you are moving about everyday life, you see things that move you. Those occurrences can stay with you for a while especially if the lesson you learned really strikes you. Reflect on it and write about it.
Life and spiritual goals. When you have a vision for your life, detail them in a journal. And I do mean details. Write about what you believe God wishes you to do with your purpose. You can do this for each aspect of your life.
Use music. You can write out the lyrics of a song that speaks to you. Hymns work too if you love hymns. Reflect on the words. Annotate it. Look at how God is speaking to your that piece of music. Go ahead and list the song or just the music for the song while you are journaling.
Spiritual benefits of journaling

There are many good things you can reap from engaging in Christian journaling. Here are a few ways you can benefit from using Christian journal prompts.
Increase your knowledge of the Bible. I always recommend writing when you engage in Bible reading. As you journal, you are committing to memory the things you are learning. That has to be good for spiritual growth. That takes me to the next time.
Track your spiritual growth. Once you are consistent with your journaling, after a while you will have a few journals. If you go back and read them, you will be able to go back and see where you are coming from. You will be able to see how much you have grown, things you used to struggle with but no longer do, prayers which have been answered or not. Reading your own journal can surprise you and teach you a lot about yourself.
Increased commitment to your spiritual goals. Research shows that when you physically write something down, it creates a pathway in your brain. In this way, you daily recommit to your walk with Christ and all the works you need to perform that lines up with your faith.
Arrive at solutions. This is definitely something that happens to me. Depending on what the prompt is, as you are journaling, you process things that you a seeking answers for. You can literally write yourself into a solution.
Spiritual journaling prompts
If you are a person of faith, then automatically all aspects of your life are bound up in what you believe. At least, that’s how it should be. It’s good to reflect on how your faith is influencing your life as a whole. Here is the ultimate list of spiritual journal prompts to grow your faith. They are organized into various categories so you can reflect on different aspects of your life as you seek to grow in Christ.
Christian spiritual journaling prompts for personal reflection and faith

- What does it mean to you to be a person of faith? How important is this to you?
- What limits have you put on God? What is the root of your reason for doing so?
- What’s your favorite Scripture on faith? Why?
- What’s your favorite Bible story about faith? Why?
- When you think of fear and doubt, which Bible character pops into your mind? How did they overcome (if at all)? What can you learn from them?
- What recent faith story did you hear? How did it impact you?
- When was a time when you trusted God completely?
- Do you feel close to God right now? Why or why not?
- Write about a time when God rewarded your faith?
- In what ways does God speak to you? Write about them.
- In what ways have you heard people say God talks to them? Describe those ways?
- Apart from the Bible, what book(s) has impacted your faith greatly? What lessons still resonate with you?
- How can you keep going in faith when you are worn out?
- How can you curate more faith memories, that is, keep track of all the positive things that happen as a result of your faith in God? Why would this be important?
- Can people tell that you are a person of faith? What’s so different about you that hints at that?
- Really think about this: do you see God as an ATM or someone to have a daily abiding relationship with? Why do you trust him? What’s the basis of your relationship with God?
- What are your thoughts about doubt and faith? Do you think God frowns at doubt? Do you think doubt and faith are opposites? What Scriptures can you draw on to support your thoughts?
- Write out the song “The Breakup Song” by Francesca Battistelli. Reflect on the words.
- Write out the song “No Longer Slaves” by Jonathan David and Melissa Helser. What Bible verse(s) is this song built on? Meditate on the song and the Bible verses.
- Write out the lyrics of a song that encourages and nurtures your faith. Why do you like this song?
- What thing in nature can you use to prompt your faith? Why have you chosen this symbol?
- When you think of faith, what non-Bible quote comes to mind? Write it out. Why does it hold such significance for you?
- What do you think is the color of faith? Why?
- What are some positive habits that you are practicing now which support your faith?
- Is pride and self-sufficiency standing in the way of my faith? Reflect on this question.
- Plan a weekend faith retreat for yourself. What would it look like?
- Are you waiting on God to do what you can do for yourself? How is this affecting your faith walk?
- What is a belief you have about faith that would surprise someone? What Bible verse did you find that made you develop this belief?

- Write about a time you exercised bold faith that made you very proud of yourself.
- What is the connection between faith and purpose?
- Do you show the same amount of faith in all areas of life (marriage, money, work, health etc)? What can you do to balance it out?
- Who would you choose as a faith mentor? Why?
- How does your faith serve you?
- How does your faith serve others?
- Do you think you need a faith coach? What role would this person play in your life? How would you benefit from the experience of working with them?
- What is the most powerful faith story you have ever heard? Why does it resonate with you so much?
- How have you leaned on your own understanding in the past? How did it affect your faith?
- Faith without works is dead. What does this mean to you?
- Have you ever heard God’s voice and disobeyed it? What were the consequences? How was your faith strengthened or weakened as a result?
- If the Bible were to be rewritten with you as a character in it, what would you want to be remembered for?
- What morning routines do you have that support your faith for the day?
- What evening routines do you have that prepares you for a night of peace?
- Have you ever been jealous of someone’s faith walk? Why? Where are you now with that?
- Have you noticed that you struggle in faith during certain seasons or when it comes to certain aspects of your life? What are those times? What can you do to be more aware? What can you do to exercise stable faith during those times?
- Write about something you sense God is asking you to step out in faith on.
- Write about one thing you can start doing today to grow your faith.
- Do you think faith and logic have anything to do with each other? What Bible verses can you use to support your thoughts?
- How do you wait in faith?
- Write about someone whose faith you admire and why.
- Write about a time when God sent you a direct message you couldn’t miss.
- What are my gifts? How can I use one gift to help someone’s faith today?
- What are misconceptions you’ve held about faith? When did you realize it? Where are you now in your thoughts about those misconceptions?
- What does trusting God completely look like? Sound like?
- Scripture says faith is a gift. How are you sure that you have accepted that gift?
- What limiting beliefs do you have about the power of faith? What Bible verse can you draw on to the deal with these limiting beliefs?
- Hope and faith go hand in hand. How would you describe your level of hope?
- What can you do in unplanned, down time to enhance your walk with God?
Christian spiritual journaling prompts for faith and life

These prompts will walk you through reflecting on your faith as it relates to your family, friends, finances, health and other aspects of life.
- How can you grow your faith when life is busy?
- What if your spouse is losing faith? What would you do?
- What can you do to stay faithful when your marriage gets tough?
- What steps can you take to grow in faith while married, through your marriage?
- What friendships are harming your faith? What can you do to set up boundaries or slowly let go of these friendships?
- What friendships are helping your faith? What can you do to enhance these friendships?
- What’s the state of your finances right now? How is that impacting your faith? What Biblical steps can you take to help this area?
- What’s your current body image? Do you feel confident that your physical health habits will allow you to be a vessel for the Holy Spirit?
- How are the spaces in which you spend time with God? Is your work, home, and car set up to support your faith?
- How does your relationship with your mother help or hinder your faith?
- How does your relationship with your father help or hinder your faith?
- How does your relationship with your siblings help or hinder your faith?
- How does the relationship with your co-workers help or hinder your faith?
- How does your relationship with your spouse help or hinder your faith?
- What can wifehood teach you about faith?

- When was the last time you encouraged someone in their faith? How did it go? How did it impact you?
- Think of one person you could help with their faith. What specific thing can you do for or with them?
- How has your faith grown over the years? Can you identify specific events that caused your faith to grow? How has your faith changed over the years? And how have you changed as a result of this?
- Stepping out in faith isn’t always easy. What would you tell someone who is about to step out on faith?
- How does your work align with your faith? Does it add value to the lives of others?
- Do you think what you eat has anything to do with your faith? Why or why not?
- Are you getting enough rest? How’s your sleep impacting your devotional life and by extension your faith? What small changes could offset improvements in this area.
Healing Journal Prompts for your Christian faith

The first step to growing in faith is to seek healing. Quite often, the reason people are being held back is linked to some past event that is still very present. Use these questions to start your journey of healing so that God can do the work in you He’s been waiting to do.
- Do I love myself enough to allow God to do his work of healing in my life?
- Where are you doubting God unconsciously?
- What’s your greatest struggle with trusting God?
- Which book in the Bible do you go to when you’re struggling in faith? Why?
- What would your life be like if you trusted God completely?
- What’s the greatest distraction to your faith right now? What definitive steps can you take to get rid of that distraction?
- When was a time when you questioned your faith?
- What current stressors are impacting your faith?
- What past childhood trauma is affecting your faith now?
- How does the daily ebb and flow of your emotions affect your faith? How can you improve in this area?
- Write about a season in your life when your faith was challenged? How did you fair?
- What would your life look like if you stopped walking in fear and lived by faith?
- What’s the source of your fears? What lies have you been believing?
- What’s the one fear you have that’s preventing you from living by faith? What Bible truth can you use to conquer that fear?
- Have you ever been angry at God? Why? Is it resolved?
- Where is guilt preventing you from growing in faith?
- Whom do you need to forgive? What do you need to let go of?
- Where is unforgiveness preventing you from growing in faith?
- Is mental health (anxiety, depression, sadness) an issue for your faith journey? How so?

- What’s something that you know is affecting your faith but you are afraid to share it with anyone. What would happen if you shared it?
- What negative habits do you need to break in order for your faith to grow?
- Are you familiar with the term “scarcity mindset”? What does this have to do with faith? What Biblical truths can you draw on?
- What would indicate to you that you are where you want to be in your faith?
- What is imposter syndrome? Can you identify a Bible character who struggled with it? How did they conquer it? What Biblical truth contradicts that lie?
- How is my level of faith affecting my identity in Christ? How can I improve? What specific steps can I take?
- Is your view of God’s love rooted in fear or faith? How can you tell?
- Why is self love so important to the growth of your faith?
- Have you suffered a major loss of someone from your life? Maybe they passed away or abandoned you or showed up very inconsistently or broken many promises. How has this been affecting your ability to trust God completely?
Spiritual journaling prompts for prayer journal

Spiritual growth, faith, and prayer all go together like a horse and carriage. Ok…maybe a very ancient reference.
But you get my point. Journaling your prayers can be a very powerful way to open the lines of communication between you and God.
Also, you can always go back and remind yourself of what you prayed for. Raise your hand if you forget your prayers! You have company.
When you write them down, you can also track how and when God answers them. And right there, you have a great opportunity to encourage yourself during hard times.

- When you pray, do you feel comfortable talking to God about every single thing? The deep things, the shallow things, the mundane things and the major things, the things that hurt and the things that bring joy? Am I truly vulnerable to and honest with God when I talk to Him?
- Write out a prayer for your faith.
- Write out a prayer for the faith of a friend
- Write out a prayer for your family members
- Write out a prayer for the faith of your spouse
- Write out a prayer for the faith of your children
- If you could have a sit-down with God about your faith journey, what would you say to him? Write it out.
- When was the very first time you remember God answering your prayer powerfully? How did that experience affect your faith? Does God still answer your prayers powerfully?
- Write a prayer asking God for a discerning heart or to sharpen your spirit of discernment.
- Choose one name of God. Write a prayer of gratitude around it.
Spiritual journaling prompts for Scripture Journal

Daily Scripture writing is a good spiritual, faith-building practice. Writing out Bible verses helps you to slow down and really look at the message of the passage. You can underline, highlight, color, annotate the Scriptures.
Bible verse journal prompts provides a little push to reflecting a bit deeper on the passage and applying it to your life as it is unfolding. I find that you can have a very different perspective on a Bible verse depending on the season of life you are experiencing.
These Bible writing prompts each start with a Bible verse followed by a question. Here they are
Scripture: If our hearts condemn us, we know that God is greater than our hearts, and he knows everything. (1 John 3:12)
- Prompt: What guilt are you struggling with right now? What is the message of this text about your struggle?
Scripture: And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him. (Hebrews 11:6)
- Prompt: Faith is more than just believing God exists. What else is your responsibility as a person of faith? How are you do that daily?
Scripture: For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. (Jeremiah 29:11)
- Prompt: What is God’s promise to you for when you are going through difficult times?
Scripture: Though your beginning was small, Yet your latter end would increase abundantly. (Job 8:7)
- Prompt: When pursuing dreams, it can be intimidating to work with people who are far advanced in their fields. It can make you feel inadequate or like you don’t belong. What hope does this Bible verse offer?

Scripture: And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. (Romans 8:28)
- Prompt: Life hardly ever takes a straight path. What does this passage say about all the detours your life might take?
Scripture: For God’s gifts and His call are irrevocable. (Romans 11:29)
- Prompt: This passage carried a strong message. What implications does it hold for your purpose?
Scripture: Because of the loving devotion of the LORD we are not consumed, for His mercies never fail. They are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness! “The LORD is my portion,” says my soul, “therefore I will hope in Him. (Lamentations 3:22-24)
- Prompt: As you start your day, reflect on this verse. What does it say about God’s character? And, how should you respond?
Scripture: For his anger endureth but a moment; in his favor is life: weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning. (Psalm 30:5)
- Prompt: What is the message of hope in this passage? How does it apply to your current season of life?
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Spiritual journaling prompts for Christian gratitude
Gratitude is said to be responsible for so many things. An attitude of gratitude increases in faith and hope. People who count their blessings tend to be happier. Scripture encourages us to live in gratitude, regardless of our circumstances. Start a journaling habit with these Christian gratitude journal prompts.
- How can gratitude grow your faith?
- What are you grateful for?
- How can your increase your attitude of gratitude?
- How has God been faithful to you?
- How has God rescued you from losing your faith?
- Write about a time when something bad happened but God used it for good. How did this sure up your faith in God?
- Write about a time when you doubted or feared or worried but God came through anyway.
- In what ways has God helped you to trust him?
- What attribute of God are you appreciating the most in your faith walk right now?
- God’s faithfulness is renewed each day according to Scripture. What does this mean to you? How does this make you grateful?
- Do you feel deserving and worthy of God’s gifts And blessings? What does your response say about your faith?
- Choose one of the names of God. How does this attribute of God inspire gratitude in your heart?
Spiritual journaling prompts for daily devotional

I really enjoy writing during my devotional time. It helps me to process what I have read from the Bible. I find that it helps me to remember more. When I go back and read my writings, I can often find some powerful truth reminders. I recommend it. Here are some daily devotional prompts to consider starting with tomorrow morning.
To me, this portion of Scripture means…. I can apply it to my life by…..
What have I learned about the character of God from this Bible verse?
How does God show up in the portion of Scripture?
Am I bringing my best self to my devotional time? What do I need to do to maintain or improve this?
How does Bible reading contribute to your growth in faith?
How can you deepen your friendship with God?
What is your devotional life like right now? What would you need to change to see growth in your faith?
What’s your go-to Bible promise in hard times? What is it about that promise that comforts you?
What you think of faith, which Bible character pops into your mind? Write about the character? What are their faith characteristics?
What Psalm is your favorite for your faith journey?
What’s the most recent lesson in faith that you learned? How did it happen?
What are you trusting God for?
Complete the following: I have faith because…
What does the Bible say about anxiety and worry?
Write out Psalm 23. List the ways in which God shows up.
Write out Psalm 91. List the ways in which God protects.
Write out Psalm 46. Highlight the actions
Today I am choosing to trust God for……..The Bible says
Even when I’m afraid I will…….The Bible says
Even when I feel doubtful I will …… The Bible says
Faithfulness is a fruit of the spirit. How are you practicing these? Which is your strongest area? Which is your weakest area?
RELATED: 20 Easy Ways Beginners Can Study the Bible Effectively
Spiritual journaling tempates
To get started with journal, you need to be prepared to write. You can start with a lined notebook or you could use templates that you can print off and create a binder. Here are a few places to look.
Devotional journal templates are useful for when you are doing Bible study. You will need a place to write down what you’re learning.
Ashley from Undoubted Grace has some good ideas on prayer. She also has a nice list of free prayer journal templates to download.
If you need war room prayer journal templates, You can check out Sue from Women of Noble Character. you can check our as well.
Start writing with spiritual journaling prompts
If you want to get to another in growing your faith, I encourage you to started with a journal today. Journal for spiritual growth. Journal for clarity on your life’s purpose. Journal to help with finding solutions to life’s problems. Journal to remember what you learn from Bible study.
I promise you will not regret it. There is so so so much that can happen in your life when you slow down and spend time to reflect. Your spiritual ears and eyes will become sharper. Way more discerning to God’s voice. To God’s direction. I am pretty enthused to find out how your journaling is impacting your life. Which set of prompts will you start with?
Thank you very much for this. It;s making it easier for me to be able to not only enjoy studying the Bible and to be intentional in the way i do it.
You’re welcome Juliet. Thanks so much for sharing. I’ll be praying for your continued spiritual growth.
This is amazing. Thank you
You’re very welcome Shari. God blessing you.
I am looking for a way to reach out to other women of faith to encourage them, build them up so they will in turn build up others. Even reach out to women in other walks of life that maybe are stuck or are frightened, don’t really have a life of faith. Thank you for this post.
Hi Linda. You’re very welcome. I am so glad you have found these prompts useful for your ministry goal. I am so excited about what you would like to accomplish because I have a heart for the encouragement of women as well. I will be praying you up. Blessings.